Is it Coffee or Your Blood Type?
In today's caffeine-fueled world, it's not uncommon to rely on a cup of joe to kickstart your day. But have you ever stopped to consider if your coffee habit has crossed the line from enjoyment to addiction? Here are 10 signs that may indicate you're addicted to coffee: 1. You can't function without your morning brew. 2. You have a specific coffee order memorized at multiple cafes. 3. You experience withdrawal symptoms like headaches and irritability when you don't have coffee. 4. Your day revolves around when you can have your next cup. 5. You've tried to cut back on coffee but always end up caving. 6. You have a collection of coffee gadgets and accessories. 7. Your friends and family tease you about your coffee obsession. 8. You have a favorite coffee mug that brings you comfort. 9. You feel anxious if you think you won't have access to coffee. 10. You've considered naming your future children